
This section describes how the module maps orders to Shopware and what configuration options are available. It is possible to map orders to Shopware, but there are still some limitations. This section gives you an overview of what you can and cannot expect from mapping orders to Shopware.



In difference to other mapping-subsections there are two -build-cache subsections:

  • order-build-cache-order is the "default" caching subsection that searches corresponding Shopware entities for documents
  • order-build-cache-order-state reads all state entities from Shopware that an order, order delivery or order transaction can have


  "order": {
    "enabled": true,
    "states": {}

The states key allows you to define a custom mapping of state-names used in your data and state-names of Shopware. See "State Handling" for details.


Of all the types of documents transferred, orders are by far the most complex. This is caused by the interaction of several Shopware entities, synQup documents and incompatibilities between the synQup model and Shopware model. The following is an overview of the limitations that currently exist:

  • Orders with multiple OrderSegments are not supported (limitation by Shopware)
  • Orders with multiple deliveries (DeliveryPackage) are not supported (limitation by Shopware)
  • Line items of type PaymentSurchargeOrderItems and VoucherOrderItems are not supported (voucher handling is not yet possible)
  • The import of nested order line items is not supported yet
  • Some entities are deleted and recreated on every import/update. This could affect external 3rd party plugins because data could get lost (e.g. CustomFields and payloads filled by plugins):
    • Order line items (table order_line_item)
    • Order deliveries (table order_delivery) and their positions (order_delivery_position)
    • Order transactions / payments (table order_transaction)
  • The status of deliveries and payments will be updated due to the deletion and recreation but there is no state history available

Work is in progress on many of these limitations (especially the deletion and recreation of entities on updates). But it is too early to give a release date for this.

State Handling

Quick Reference

  • Order states are updated via action api
  • This is not possible for

State Handling in Shopware

You need a basic understanding of how Shopware handles the states of orders, order-deliveries and order-transactions in order to configure how the output-module maps states from synQup to Shopware. However, this documentation is not intended to provide an in-depth explanation of the order state management in Shopware. You can find a lot of useful information on these pages of the documentation of Shopware:


  • Shopware uses StateMachineEntities that define all allowed states that an order, order delivery or order payment is allowed to have.
  • It is not possible to set those states on updates directly (for example, the field OrderEntity::stateId is write-protected on updates). You are forced to use the action API of Shopware.
  • In order to update states in Shopware you need to know the UUIDs of each Shopware state.
  • Shopware only allows transitions between certain states. For example, you cannot update an order to "finished" while it is "open" - you have to set it to "in progress" before you can set it to "finished".
  • You can find all allowed state transitions by the help of the StateMachine. There is one StateMachine available for orders, order-transactions and order-deliveries each.

State Handling in the Output-Module

The module is able to convert synQup states (= states from your transfer data) to the corresponding Shopware states. This is done by the help of the states key in the order configuration (see "Custom State Mapping" / next section).

By using state graphs the module is able to derive a valid set of action-requests that will eventually update the state of an order, order-transaction or order-delivery. Due to the aforementioned limitation of deleting and recreating deliveries and transactions on every update the action api is used for order states only (for now). So please be aware that there is no state history available right now in the frontend/backend if you import orders with this module.

The action api is used for order states only. There is no state history available for transactions and deliveries.

Depending on the amount of state updates this can slow down your import since those requests have to be sent individually.

Custom State Mapping

In most cases, the names of the states in Shopware do not match the states of your data source and vice versa. That's why the states key in the configuration makes it possible to support different state names between your source data and Shopware. The configuration follows this pattern:

  "states": {
    "{state_machine_key}": {
      "{shopware_state_0}": null,
      "{shopware_state_1}": "synqup_state_1",
      "{shopware_state_2}": [

You can define zero to n source states that will be mapped to a dedicated Shopware state. You can find examples and a template below. As soon as you define a single key in the states configuration the default state mapping is turned off completely.

The following configuration is a template that contains all possible state keys that are available in Shopware by default:

  "subsections": {
    "order": {
      "states": {
        "order.state": {
          "open": null,
          "in_progress": null,
          "completed": null,
          "cancelled": null
        "order_delivery.state": {
          "open": null,
          "shipped": null,
          "shipped_partially": null,
          "returned": null,
          "returned_partially": null,
          "cancelled": null,
          "failed": null
        "order_transaction.state": {
          "open": null,
          "paid": null,
          "failed": null,
          "in_progress": null,
          "chargeback": null,
          "cancelled": null,
          "refunded": null,
          "paid_partially": null,
          "unconfirmed": null,
          "refunded_partially": null,
          "reminded": null,
          "authorized": null

Default State Mapping

There is a default state mapping available (in case you do not provide a states configuration). But it is highly recommended to adjust the state mapping to your needs.

The default state mapping was implemented a long time ago based on the following state definition classes in the data model:

  • Elio\CommerceBundle\Definition\Order\OrderState
  • Elio\CommerceBundle\Definition\Order\DeliveryStates
  • Elio\CommerceBundle\Definition\Order\PaymentStates

Several states (especially of deliveries and payments) are not compatible between Shopware and synQup. So the default state mapping is outdated - the only reason it exists is backwards compatibility for all projects that do not use a custom state mapping yet.

Order States

Order states are updated with transition requests. You can set the state map with the following configuration:

  "states": {
    "order.state": {
      "open": null,
      "in_progress": null,
      "completed": null,
      "cancelled": null

The following states are mapped from synQup to Shopware by default (you should avoid using the default pattern):

Synqup State Shopware State
OrderState::OPEN OrderStates::STATE_OPEN

Order Delivery States

Order delivery states are not updated via action api. Order deliveries are deleted and recreated on every import which causes the state to "update", but it will not generate a state history.

You can set the state map with the following configuration:

  "states": {
    "order_delivery.state": {
      "open": null,
      "shipped": null,
      "shipped_partially": null,
      "returned": null,
      "returned_partially": null,
      "cancelled": null,
      "failed": null

The following states are mapped from synQup to Shopware by default (you should avoid using the default pattern):

Synqup State Shopware State
DeliveryStates::REGISTERED OrderDeliveryStates::STATE_OPEN
DeliveryStates::IN_DELIVERY OrderDeliveryStates::STATE_SHIPPED
DeliveryStates::DELIVERED OrderDeliveryStates::STATE_SHIPPED
DeliveryStates::CUSTOMS OrderDeliveryStates::STATE_SHIPPED
DeliveryStates::INTERVENTION OrderDeliveryStates::STATE_SHIPPED
DeliveryStates::EXCEPTION OrderDeliveryStates::STATE_SHIPPED
DeliveryStates::UNKNOWN OrderDeliveryStates::STATE_SHIPPED

Order Transaction States

Order transaction states are not updated via action api. Order transactions are deleted and recreated on every import which causes the state to "update", but it will not generate a state history.

You can set the state map with the following configuration:

  "states": {
    "order_transaction.state": {
      "open": null,
      "paid": null,
      "failed": null,
      "in_progress": null,
      "chargeback": null,
      "cancelled": null,
      "refunded": null,
      "paid_partially": null,
      "unconfirmed": null,
      "refunded_partially": null,
      "reminded": null,
      "authorized": null

The following states are mapped from synQup to Shopware by default (you should avoid using the default pattern):

Synqup State Shopware State
PaymentStates::OPEN OrderTransactionStates::STATE_OPEN
PaymentStates::RESERVED OrderTransactionStates::STATE_OPEN
PaymentStates::PAID OrderTransactionStates::STATE_PAID
PaymentStates::FAILED OrderTransactionStates::STATE_FAILED

Mapping Orders

Order Mapping Table

Target: order
Source: Elio\CommerceBundle\Document\Order\Order

Target Field Source Path
* orderNumber identifier
* currencyId orderInformation.currency
* currencyFactor orderInformation.currency.currencyFactor.factor
* salesChannelId channels.[0]
* orderDateTime orderDate
* price orderInformation.totalAmountNet
& orderInformation.totalAmountGross
& orderInformation.taxStatus
shippingCosts orderSegments.[0].items.{{Elio\CommerceBundle\Document\Order\Items\ShippingCostsOrderItem}}.[0]
* orderCustomer orderCustomer
* languageId orderInformation.locale
* addresses orderSegments.[0].shippingAddress
& billingAddress
* lineItems orderSegments.[0].items.{{!Elio\CommerceBundle\Document\Order\Items\ShippingCostsOrderItem}}
deliveries orderSegments.[0].deliveryPackages.[0]
* transactions payments
stateId orderInformation.orderStatus.status
* itemRounding automatically
* totalRounding automatically

Mapping Line Items

Mapping Table

Target: order_line_item
Embedded in: Synqup\Modules\Shopware6Bundle\Core\Shopware\Checkout\Order\OrderEntity
Source: Elio\CommerceBundle\Document\Order\Items\AbstractOrderItem

Target Field Source Path
* orderId automatically
* identifier identifier
* referencedId Depends on the order line item type. Uuid of the product for product order items.
productId product.identifier, but only for Elio\CommerceBundle\Document\Order\Items\ProductOrderItem
* quantity quantity
* label label
* position position
* price netPrice, quantity, taxes
payload Automatically, depends on the item type.
* type Depends on the item type.

Line Item Types

There are four different types of order items in Shopware (field OrderLineItemEntity::type) and several order items available in synQup. Not all types of order items are mappable. The following table lists all supported order line items.

Shopware Type Order Item Class Comment
credit DiscountOrderItem
product ProductOrderItem
custom GenericOrderItem
promotion - not supported
- GenericVoucherOrderItem not supported
- VoucherOrderItem not supported
- PaymentSurchargeOrderItem not supported
- ShippingCostsOrderItem not mapped as order item

Nested Line Items

Nested line items (AbstractOrderItem::childItems) are not supported yet.


As already mentioned line items are deleted and recreated on every update. This can be problematic if Shopware plugins add data to order line items, e.g. to the fields "payload" and "customFields". You must be aware that those fields are overwritten on every update.

The main reasons for this issue are:

  • Missing compatibility between the input and output module: new items in the shop (of new orders) do not have synqup-identifiers and the input module is not able to update those on imports. On updates the output module is not able to identify those items. The only possibility to ensure updating all items is deleting and recreating.
  • It is not guaranteed that AbstractOrderItems have unique identifiers so duplicate identifiers between orders can happen

Mapping Order Deliveries

The document OrderSegment contains a collection of DeliveryPackages. The document DeliveryPackage is mapped to the Shopware entity OrderDeliveryEntity. A DeliveryPackage contains a collection of DeliveryPositions.

Mapping Table

Target: order_delivery
Embedded in: Synqup\Modules\Shopware6Bundle\Core\Shopware\Checkout\Order\OrderEntity
Source: Elio\CommerceBundle\Document\Order\Delivery\DeliveryPackage

Target Field Source Path
orderId automatically
* shippingOrderAddressId orderSegments.[0].shippingAddress
* shippingMethodId %PARENT%.orderSegments.[0].dispatch.identifier
trackingCodes trackingCode
* shippingDateEarliest deliveryDate
* shippingDateLatest deliveryDate
* shippingCosts orderSegments.[0].items.{{Elio\CommerceBundle\Document\Order\Items\ShippingCostsOrderItem}}.[0]
* stateId %PARENT%.orderSegments.[0].deliveryPackages.[0].deliveryTransactions.[n].deliveryStatus.status
* positions items


Partial Deliveries
Orders with multiple deliveries (= Order that contains more than one DeliveryPackage) are not supported and will not be mapped.

State Handling
As mentioned above order_deliveries are deleted and recreated on every update. This prevents the module from using the action api to update order delivery states, so no state history will be generated.

The main reasons for these limitations are:

  • It is not guaranteed that DeliveryPackages have unique identifiers so duplicate identifiers between orders can happen
  • DeliveryPositions are not identifiable at all
  • Missing compatibility between the input and output module (see "Mapping Line Items", it is the same principle as with line items)

Mapping Order Transactions / Payments

Mapping Table

Target: order_transaction
Embedded in: Synqup\Modules\Shopware6Bundle\Core\Shopware\Checkout\Order\OrderEntity
Source: Elio\CommerceBundle\Document\Order\OrderPayment

Target Field Source Path
* orderId automatically
* paymentMethodId payment
* amount %ROOT%.orderInformation.totalAmountNet & %ROOT%.orderInformation.totalAmountGross
* stateId paymentStatus.status

State Handling

State handling is not performed via action api yet. Order transactions are deleted and recreated on every import which causes the state to "update", but there is a limitation with this approach. There is no oder delivery state history, because the deletion and recreation does not create entries in state_machine_history. So you can access the latest state only via backend/frontend.

Mapping Order Addresses

Target: order_address
Embedded in: Synqup\Modules\Shopware6Bundle\Core\Shopware\Checkout\Order\OrderEntity
Source: Elio\CommerceBundle\Document\Customer\Addresses\AbstractAddress

Target Field Source Path
* countryId country
* salutationId contact.personalInformation.salutation.salutation
* firstName contact.personalInformation.firstName
* lastName contact.personalInformation.lastName
street street
* zipcode zipcode
* city city
company contact.companyInformation.name
department contact.companyInformation.department
title contact.personalInformation.title
vatId contact.companyInformation.vatID
phoneNumber contact.personalInformation.phone
* orderId automatically determined from its parent

Mapping Order Customers

Target: order_customer
Embedded in: Synqup\Modules\Shopware6Bundle\Core\Shopware\Checkout\Order\OrderEntity
Source: Elio\CommerceBundle\Document\Order\OrderCustomer

Target Field Source Path
* email customer.customerInformation.email
* orderId automatically determined from its parent
* salutationId customer.customerInformation.personalInformation.salutation.salutation
* firstName customer.customerInformation.personalInformation.firstName
* lastName customer.customerInformation.personalInformation.lastName
title customer.customerInformation.personalInformation.title
vatIds customer.customerInformation.companyInformation.vatID
company customer.customerInformation.companyInformation.name
customerNumber customer.identifier
* customerId customer